My Friend
You’ve never asked me questions
About our eternal fate
Not even in your final hour
Now it is too late
I tried to tell you many times
But you never responded well
Always pushing me to the side
When I mention the hell
You made it hard for me to love you
Your pride got in the way
Now I lost you forever
There’s nothing more to say
Eternal terror, ache and fear
Never-ending hate
Where love is never to be seen again
Only through heaven’s gate
Soul-bound to evil great
Nowhere to run or hide
Grace not to be yours no more
You chose the other side
I couldn’t tell you at the end
Not because I didn’t care
I thought you had more life to live
Time for me to share
Jesus came to earth -for
To not see the fiery flames
My heart is in constant turmoil now
Eternity- no fun and
In a rubbish dump-forgotten-lost
Where there is only pain
Your death a sad remembrance
I will never see you again
Burning Bush Grace
In the lonely desert dry
God heard Israel's desperate cry
And chose a man with a past
To show He is the first and last
The flames were big, the bush stayed green
Moses remembered his sin as a teen
God didn't care- this wasn't a test
But Moses had things to get of his chest
Oh God I am afraid and small
I don't want to answer your great call
I want to stay punished, bitter and sad
I am a murderer - evil - bad
Burn bush burn the guilt away
I can't speak, I can't even pray
I'm hurt, lost and full of fear
Leave me alone, can't you see this tear!
I was thrown away in a basket deep
While I was still a baby, asleep
No-one loves me, can't you see
It's better to just let me be
But the mother of Moses knew God's voice
And gave her baby out of free choice
For God to use, for God to bless
Your mother sowed you as a seed
In the lonely desert dry
The Israelites were freed and they fled
To make Jesus more, her son less
Your mother sowed you as a seed
To rescue your people in pain, in need
Pharaoh will learn the lessons I teach
And I will use your your staff, your speech
In the lonely desert dry
God heard Israel's desperate cry
And chose a man with a past
To show He is the first and last
The Israelites were freed and they fled
By a cloud and fire they were led
The leader Moses with shining face
In awe of God's wonderful- burning bush grace
To Love You
Tossed turned tucked away deep
A heart isolated - alone to keep
Where no smear of bitterness or greed
Will be able to touch, tear or uncover my need
My need to love beyond the trials of time
My need to give my possessions, every dime
My need to pull you from the shadow to shine
My need to see grace enter a life of grime
I love you the way God loves me – complete
I love you the way God loves me – unique
I love you – through the brokenness – and guilt
I love you the way God loves me
Tossed , turned tucked away deep
A heart mine alone to keep
Where no smear of bitterness or greed
Will be able to touch, tear or uncover my need
To love you
With words and actions
Queen with a beautiful face
Jewish girl of hope and grace
Jewish girl of hope and grace
Not for the glory not for the fame
But for the honour of God’s name
Courage shines through the night of tears
In silence, in prayers – raging fears
A star giving light to Babylon pain
Her destiny to stay, submit, remain
The queen enters the palace brave
Her final moment, before the grave
King captivated by the woman’s wise words
Kindness, goodness, no piercing swords
For her people for her God she’ll stand
The King stretching out his hand
He dines with her – every other night
And leave Haaman hanging out of sight
For God uses a woman of purpose and grace
To advance His Kingdom in an ungodly place
Be a queen, be the light
Don’t give up on your victorious fight
I am a tree
Not under law but free
Planted below the open sky
my leaves will never ever dry
The wind breathes on my skin
Moves my arms, my legs my chin
Here and there it blows very strong
Announcing my season won't be long
Winter, summer, autumn, spring
Change won't let my leaves cling
To the weather that had just been
To the beauty of the present I have seen
The heat, rain and the icy cold
may change my face, I'll grow old
But I am planted below the open sky
my leaves will never ever dry
Know This
(There is always hope when God is in control)
When your safe haven house feels like a cage
and Lightning words thunder - storms rage
When rain keeps pouring and darkness spells doom
And no help comes from the sun or moon
When wicked walls keep standing tall
and crowds walk pass, not hearing your call
When faith is a glimpse of a life once known
And promises of the Word not your own
Know this:
God is the Way the truth and light
His love shines in your terrible night
His covenant will keep you in His grace
His love and peace - gifts to embrace
The Way to Go
(A poem against humanism)
The Way to go is not always bright
No oil lamp to shed a revelation light
Hidden between a grave and two trees
you have to search for it on your knees
The way to go is not always in the mind
Not in giving to the poor or being kind
Hidden between the world's angry noise
you have to search for the still quiet voice
The Woman without name (Based on the story of the woman who committed adultery)
The woman sat on the dust without name
Covered by the dirt of despicable shame
Looking at the ground, not looking up
She was drinking the town’s rejection cup
Men with stones ready to throw
All shocked, raising a brow
Judging the woman with no coat
Leaving her wishing she could cut her own throat
The woman with no name, had no right
To settle for a life of sin, to not fight
For the values and the culture of the time
To not do something decent – for a penny and a dime
Sitting in the ashes of thoughts so dark
She felt she was fed to a hungry shark
Then a man came up with a smile so kind
Covering her flesh, quieting her mind
Kneeling down slowly at her side
His warmth made her feel as if she had nothing to hide
Fighting for her dignity, he uttered in a low tone
“if there’s anyone without sin, throw the first stone.
Shocked with silence the crowd couldn’t take revenge
They couldn’t throw one stone, no-one had any strength
The people knew they had a lot of ugly sin
And decided to leave without a grin
Looking at the ground, not looking up
She was drinking the town’s rejection cup
Men with stones ready to throw
All shocked, raising a brow
Judging the woman with no coat
Leaving her wishing she could cut her own throat
The woman with no name, had no right
To settle for a life of sin, to not fight
For the values and the culture of the time
To not do something decent – for a penny and a dime
Sitting in the ashes of thoughts so dark
She felt she was fed to a hungry shark
Then a man came up with a smile so kind
Covering her flesh, quieting her mind
Kneeling down slowly at her side
His warmth made her feel as if she had nothing to hide
Fighting for her dignity, he uttered in a low tone
“if there’s anyone without sin, throw the first stone.
Shocked with silence the crowd couldn’t take revenge
They couldn’t throw one stone, no-one had any strength
The people knew they had a lot of ugly sin
And decided to leave without a grin
The woman alive, the woman confused
Grace had been given to her – and it left her bemused
Jesus Christ, the man with the love-filled glance
Was giving her an undeserved second chance
Go now and sin no more
Don’t go out to settle the score
Go out and make a difference that will last
I died for your sin to wipe away your past
Unspoken Love
(The season of singleness when faith was weak for a husband)
My heart is tortured by memories so deep
Of love spoken, a promise to keep
Now lost in the distance of London life
Soul –scared, cut by a knife
Faith disappeared in a moment so brief
Now causing my heart never-ending grief
A husband that I have to daily forget
Desires within never to be met
Keep it a secret keep it still
The haunting thoughts causing a chill
Of A God not fair, A God not good
Changing my heart, changing my mood
Silence the voices, stop the noise
No more signs – deaf to God’s voice
Wipe away, send Noah’s flood
Wash my memory clean by your Jesus blood
Give me new hope, give me trust
Throw away the old, let it die in dust
Make things new, make me strong
Help me wait for him not too long
Phoebe Palmer (Based on the True Story of Phoebe Palmer, one of the founders of the Methodist Movement who lost her child in an accidental fire)
Phoebe sit met haar kindjie op haar skoot
Toegevou in die vlamme van gru dood
Vleis op die altar – die kindjie van haar gesteel
Emosies in vlarde – die lewe net te veel
Tussen die trane, tussen die seer
Le Phoebe haar lewe vir God neer
God se stem die salf vir haar wond
Offerande uit ‘n bitter mond
Nou is tydelik hemel is lank
Ons lewe ‘n kort liefdesklank
Van ‘n storie deur God geoffer, geleef
Nou vir ewig aan Jesus gekleef
God bedek God genees
Die Woord opnuut deur Phoebe gelees
En in die donker ure van pyn en smart
Verander sy kerk, verander sy my hart
Want tussen skatte in vlees verloor
Word haar storie op boek rakke oral gestoor
En lees ek nou eeue verby
‘n Geloofsheld se worsteling – van haarself bevry
En saam met die skare saam met die juig
Verander Phoebe in ‘n vrou wat buig
Voor God se wil voor God se weg
En roep sy uit : Alles is reg!
Met die vuurtjie wat brand op die altar van pyn
Haar kind geoffer as proefkonyn
Deel sy in die kruisiging en die bloed
Lewe sy in God se groot guns gloed
En in die oomblik ver van God se hart
Hou ek nie meer vas aan sinlose smart
Want die vleis geoffer as God se geskenk
Word die seen generasies later deur kerk gedenk
Love Thee
(A poem to my neighbours)
In brokenness and Godly strength
Will love thee cover you in height and length
Layers unfolding –secrets revealed
All a mystery, Holy Spirit sealed
Love will conquer, love will grow
Open hearts for grace to flow
To your heart, to my ear
Sharing me for you, with you - near
Suid Afrika
(A prayer for the current situation of South Africa)
Van bo lyk grond saamgevlans soos stukkies lap
Met koejawels, piesangs en druiwesap
En soos ‘n klein saadjie gevorm van kop tot hand
Is ek geplant in Suid-Afrika – my liefdesland
Voete was gestamp teen die klippe van kleur
maar versoening het die lug gevul met ‘n skoon geur
En word die sweet en pyn van ‘n vryheidsstryd
Vir almal bekend wereldwyd
Van Beyers, Murray en TuTu hoog
Se bydra tot die helder reenboog
Hoekom word duur bloed deur almal gegiet
Nou deur moegheid en hopeloosheid verniet?
O Land van vreugde land van onreg
Hoe lank moet ons nog die korrupsie beveg
Hoekom word jou glimlag min, jou oe vaal
Verlore in die wegneem van ‘n moedertaal
Suid-Afrika – ‘n worsteling- nie swart of wit
Kan nie eenkant wees, op ‘n draad sit
Want betaal vir sondes met tande stomp
Boet almal, nie net een Afrikaner –‘n hele klomp
O Suid-Afrika my passie brand vir jou so sterk
God se teenwoordigheid in elke kerk
Ek mis die myne van diamante en goud
Om die tafel sit saam met familie en skaapboud
Ek soek jou terug O land van hoop
Mense geseend van self gestroop
Ek glo in jou en in jou hart
Kom ons eindig die tyd van smart
(To all women who is not fulfilling their spiritual calling)
“Adam leave me, let me be”
Let me captivate you, look at me
See the juicy fruit on the tree
Let’s eat it and be free
Come with me and let us run
God doesn’t want us to have fun
Let me lead you completely astray
Far from God’s will and His way
I’m more beautiful, and I’m right
God’s process too difficult, too tight
He wants us to be happy, living in sin
Whatever feels good, whatever makes you spin
Adam, why didn’t you draw the line
I was only emotional, the fault is not mine
Why did you listen to me – it was the snake!
Cast out the garden, no more fruit to take!
Kingdom of darkness Kingdom of Light
A never-ending struggle – a continuous fight
Demons power shake God's warriors to the core
God victorious every time – grace abounding more
God Almighty God above
The Prince of Peace – a gentle dove
Giving His children everything to be strong
To overcome evil, to do no wrong
Hereby I commit my soul to Christ, I pray
Putting on my spiritual armour every day
Preparing for war declaring God’s name
To free people from bondage, free from Satan’s blame
No more mourning only a victory dance
Knowing the demons didn’t really stand a chance
Living in the Light knowing God’s way
Helping Christians to not go astray
We worship you Almighty King
The love of Jesus Christ, Oh how we sing
darkness destroyed by the power of the True Vine
The cross of Jesus so powerful, a Gospel divine
with pearls around her neck
Diamonds in her eyes
Honey on her lips
And strength in her stride
Small, tall fat or thin
She is a woman from toe to chin
With camel calves big and round
Wide hips steadfast on the ground
Bouncy breasts and a sweet caress
and shiny hair and all the rest
She is a woman in every way
Sagacious, sensible and whimsically cute
She is a woman - in control, astute
With joy and peace in her heart
Righteousness her allotted part
Confidence with every word she speaks
Venduring out taking faith leaps
She is a woman in every way
She is a woman
She is a womanwith pearls around her neck
Diamonds in her eyes
Honey on her lips
And strength in her stride
Small, tall fat or thin
She is a woman from toe to chin
With camel calves big and round
Wide hips steadfast on the ground
Bouncy breasts and a sweet caress
and shiny hair and all the rest
She is a woman in every way
Sagacious, sensible and whimsically cute
She is a woman - in control, astute
With joy and peace in her heart
Righteousness her allotted part
Confidence with every word she speaks
Venduring out taking faith leaps
She is a woman in every way
Oupa (aan Oupa Nico)
My oupa was ‘n sterk en god’like man
‘n Hardekool boom met ‘n growwe stam
Wat deur jare se groewe en lyne op die bas
getrou in God geanker was
My oupa was ‘n sterk en god’like man
Standvastig getrou- deur ‘n lang lewe stram
Wat in stiltes kon wegkruip, die lewe kon deurdink
Wat mense deur oortuiging gekeer het van sink
My oupa was ‘n sterk en god’like man
Vir diE in die woestyn ‘n vol waterkan
‘n Ou siel by wie mens kon rustigheid vind
In vlees nou dood - maar verewig God se kind