Spread the Fragrance
I don't get them often, but when I do, it changes my life from the inside out!

Even though I've been a Christian for many years, there are still areas where I substitute God's Word for my own futile thoughts. It is often very easy to replace God's ways with our ways, and His dreams with our ambitious and man-made ideas.
I sometimes do it without even knowing....

But thankfully you get moments....moments of divine revelation that changes your spirit and touches your soul, revelations where you know from this day forward you will never be the same again. These revelations give victory to situations where you once experienced barrenness and  open doors in areas where you once struggled to get access to complete freedom. One revelation of God can change your life completely and help you to never wrestle with a specific area of bondage again.

A revelation that really changed my life is the principle of honour.To be honest with you, this post has not been easy to write, mainly because of the way honour has been  misrepresented in today's society and even in my life, yet I know that the principle of honour is a very powerful force in the Kingdom of God.

The word honour is a very confusing word. It is so confusing that I still don't know whether I should spell it the UK style or the American style.....yet we hear the word regularly.  American movies often have the word "honour" in them, and you always hear about  "men of honour" in the Military. Even most worship songs have the word "honour" in them.

Unfortunately the word has been used very carelessly, even in the world today - with no real substance behind it. No wonder I didn't jump for joy when I heard people use it in the past!

God started talking to me about honour after I heard a preacher read Romans 12:10: Love one another with brotherly affection, giving precedence and showing honour to one another.

When I heard the scripture I realised that God wanted me to honour people so that unity and a family-like culture could be established in the church.  I was amazed to discover, after studying this concept, that the Word of God was established on the principle of honour.

But what does honour mean?

John Bevere says that honour means " to treat as something weighty, something of value and of great worth, to esteem higher than oneself." The word gets mentioned everywhere in the Bible. In Ps 8 God says that he crowned men with glory and honour, and in Romans 13 God wants us to honour our authorities. We also honour God by tithing and will live long if we honour our parents. Honour is a powerful principle in the Kingdom of God. It is so powerful that even Jesus had difficulty to perform miracles without it.

It is interesting to read that Jesus was restricted to do miracles in his home town,because of honour. After Jesus left his town, without doing any miracles, Scripture says that a prophet is not without honour accept in his own country. Why is that?

Some scholars say that the people of His town couldn't recognise Jesus as the Son of God, because they saw him grew up as the son of a carpenter, where they bought most of their furniture from. When Jesus decided to do miracles, most people treated him like a commoner, like a person of no value, like one of them. It was difficult for the people in his country to accept Him as the Son of God and allow Him to do miracles. They didn't see him as a Man worthy of respect and they definitely didn't want to honour him.

We are women of value. We are women of honour.

God crowned us with honour. He declared over us and our friends and every woman on earth that she is valuable. God made man and woman in the image of Himself. He wanted to share His love and life with us.

Unfortunately I am guilty of not always treating people as valuable, but as commoners. I do not always reply on facebook messages and hide away from people I don't really know. I'm not always excited to be left alone with  a room full of strangers and I always have an opinion to give about the choices people make. Sometimes I catch myself analysing a conversation I had with someone, and playing the person down because I feel insecure, and  I often judge people on how they look and not on their value.

I even dishonour myself. I will criticize myself on my cooking skills, driving skills, looks and even my intelligence. I normally can't help while looking in the mirror to say things like  "you look fat!" Unfortunately, I do not always believe that God declared me as valuable and that I am empowered to reign over all circumstances.

But God crowned me with glory and honour....and I should treat myself and other people with the same value, it doesn't matter what they do. Even if they do things I do not agree with, it still does not mean that they are not worth me treating them with honour.

When I started walking in the principle many things changed in my life. My relationships have become much stronger, and people feel much more at ease when they visit me. There's peace at my work, even though, things are suppose to fall apart in the natural. I gossip less and do not entertain thoughts that will make me feel bad about myself or others. These days I love tithing, because I understand the truth behind honour. I do not dwell on peoples' weaknesses and do not feel entitled to have a life I think I'm worthy of. I can let go when people do something that hurts me, and I pray more. My prayer life has much more power behind it because I choose to see people the way God sees them.....as valuable!

Honour creates an environment for miracles!

Honour will help us to bless our enemies even if we want to curse them, and love them even if we are tempted to hate them. If we can treat people in authority (who does not always make the right decisions) with honour by allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal their value to us, and pray not according to what we see but what we believe about a person, victory will start raising up in our hearts and we will discover that honour has been given to us so that we can reign in any situation whether it is godly or ungodly. Miracles will start taking place because we are treating people not as commoners,  but as people made in the image of God.

PS 8:4,5: What is a man that you are mindful of him, and a son of (earth born) man that You care for him? You have made him but a little lower than heavenly beings, and You have crowned them with glory and honour.
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