Spread the Fragrance

I was pondering on the word “united” the past few days. 

Every time I hear the word I have confidence for what it represents, whether it's a bank or some unknown country in the Far East. It is a powerful word. Sometimes I think it is somewhat odd that one word can evoke so many emotions of unwavering pride, strength and victory. If you think of the famous British football team Manchester United, you respect the team. I agree that most of the football players are not always worthy of respect, yet the team stands united in their pursuit to proof to the world that they are a force to be reckoned with. Let's also not forget the United States of America -the most powerful country in the world. Even though the country might be controversial, yet they set an example of happiness and freedom that most countries want to imitate.

United speaks of teamwork. It speaks of being one in passion, one in vision, one in purpose, one in spirit, one in love, one in agreement. One – a number that most aspire to be. United, the attitude that most ought to be. Even God says "Where there is unity He commands a blessing." Unity is strong. It is the commander of an army of characteristics - the winning force, the victorious attitude and the spirit of courage just to name a few. God gave us this powerful tool to influence each place, wherever we are, with the blessing of God in the attitude of unity.

Marriage is a good example where unity is exemplified. Scriptures say that a man shall leave his father and mother and become ONE with his wife. The moment a covenant is made at a wedding ceremony the couple declares that "United they will stand" against all demonic princes of the air, the Kingdom of darkness and the rule and reign of a worldly structure. United they will be in the way they teach their children, in the attitude they have towards one another and the way they make decisions. And Oh my goodness....marriage is such a blessing because God commands it!

Marriage is a good example of Unity - but there is an even better example of being ONE. The oneness between Jesus Christ and the Father- a covenant that overturned the curse of sin into a blessing by which we can be partakers. A union so powerful, that it destroys everything that tries to break this bond of love. And we are included in this union. We are part of a winning team, a love relationship stronger than marriage, and a blessing more magnificent than the promises of the Old Covenant. We are included in Christ to be partakers of all the blessings the Father has to offer.

Most of us don't know this secret - and even if we do, we do not always access the power of the covenant. God uses His Word to bring us in Unity with the truth of who we are, yet we don't always choose to be one in vision, one in purpose, one in love  and one with the Holy Spirit. We don't always choose to agree with these words.  There are many thoughts that sometimes bring disunity between us and God because we don't always stand on the truth of His redemption work, we don't always agree on what He already said - and therefore there can be no blessing birthed in that area, because God cannot command a blessing on something that He disagrees on.

In Finances God says He will provide in all our needs, and that He will be our Shepherd, so we don't have to want, yet many believers strive to get more and more because they do not believe that the covenant God made with Jesus in which we are included are enough to cover their bills. They disagree with the Word.

Some wait for a husband and thinks that God punishes them for still being single. They do not believe that God will give them the desires of His heart, and therefore disagree with the Word.

God do love all people, whether we agree with him or not, but from experience I know that if I agree with my husband I experience peace and joy in our home and not havoc and distress. And that is exactly what God wanted to come and do, He wanted to replace our frustrated life with a life of peace and blessing.

The Lord Jesus Christ is already the number One. He is God, the only God. We became one with him when we were included in His death and resurrection, if we accept it. It is not God's way for Him to come in agreement with what we believe about ourselves - it is our privilege to come in agreement with Him and what He believes about us - so that we can stand United with Christ in every situation and know that we are force to be reckoned with and every battle will turn into a victory! We represent the most powerful Kingdom, the United with Christ Kingdom and it makes the devil shake in his boots!

Unity is not always easy - especially when you don't operate in an environment where unity is evident - but we are there to be a blessing by being in Agreement with God about the situation of disunity - so that we can be blessed to be a blessing in any situation. God is the number One, and we need to worship Him and believe Him, and not our circumstances, even when it seems we might be in the lion's den.

When we bind the words of God around our neck like Proverbs 3 says, and we listen to the Holy Spirit and agree with the Word of truth, we no longer have to fear anything that wants to steal, kill or destroy our possessions or identity. We can rest in God and know that He is God.

United we stand with Christ!

Spread the Fragrance

I normally see red lights flashing when a person mentions the other woman.  It makes me uncomfortable. Something about the statement insinuates brokenness, sadness or loss - a dangerous conversation I do not like to get involved in.

It is a sensitive topic, yet I hear women talk about the other woman all the time. They mention her often. Even though it's done "hush hush," without mentioning a name, you often sense her presence in the room.

The other woman is disguised in the words and thoughts of who we would like to be.  We dream about the thinner, smarter, more desirable woman that we still want to become, a woman we have created in our minds after looking through magazines, the newest TV shows or the lives and accomplishments of our friends. Time and again  I hear women utter these phrases without even thinking: " O....so and so just bought a new house, they are so rich - I wish I could buy a new house ".....or  "she completed her studies and I don't even have a degree, she is so clever, I wish I could be like that."  Some sulk at weddings envying the bride and drowning their singleness sorrows in champagne and others feel  horribly ugly compared to the swan princess they've randomly met at a work function. One or two even breath a sigh of relief when they hear about a fellow sister struggling in her faith - thanking God that they are not like the other woman.

Have you ever walked into a church meeting and thought to yourself: " Wow, Susan looks beautiful....maybe I should buy the same make-up?"
Or why did John choose her as his wife, she looks so ordinary?
Or did you hear a woman preach and thought - why can't I preach like her?

I will be the first to acknowledge guilt. Often times I struggle to except the reality of who I am. Even though it starts a cycle of criticism in my life, I often struggle to get rid of  discontentment thoughts flashing red in my mind, leaving me powerless against the force of negativity that tries to steal my peace  in Christ.

The other woman has been a topic of controversy from the beginning of time. Eve could not compete, and decided to give in to the devaluing thoughts that the snake so eagerly dished up for her on a fruit platter. She just couldn't believe that she was good enough. Since the garden of Eden Satan has used his deception and lies to make women feel less than they ought to be, and the way he does it is very effective.

The other woman has become the measuring stick by which we judge everything we do and everything we are - and if we don't live up to these impossible standards of perfection, we feel bad. When we feel bad, we start a new diet, enrol for a new course or go for a make-over - anything to help us feel less awkward next to the other woman.

We can never just feel GOOD about ourselves, because there's always something wrong or out of place. No matter how much we achieve, there is always room for improvement.

Dear woman of God, when did we start believing we "are not good enough?" Men celebrate us, yet I still meet married women who can't receive love because they have stretch marks and would rather like to keep the light switched off. There are photos of women everywhere, billboards and advertisements - even the world is captivated by us - yet we still lack confidence.

When did we start discerning women according to the flesh and not the spirit? When did our friends become the other woman?

As women of faith we should not allow our thoughts to be infiltrated with the filth of comparison and idealism. We are not called to think of ourselves as victims, when we should act in the authority that Christ has given us. We are saved to reign and not be distracted by the devil's devices to cause disunity in the church. Our focus should be to pray, bless, embrace and love ourselves and our friends. We are empowered to not let the other woman steal our intimacy with Jesus. Discontentment does not come from the Father, but from the enemy who is trying to rob us of our identity in Christ.

Through Jesus we are no longer under the curse of Eve, where we can't help but to eat the fruit of deception. We don't have to continuously feel as we have to become wiser or more beautiful, and we don't have to allow the snake to entice us with the same lie he caught Eve with: Did God really say.....you are good enough? This lie is the first of many, and not welcome in a household of faith.  God redeemed us from wanting and longing. He satisfies our mouth with good things, and He covers us with His love and acceptance. Nothing can separate us from His love - not even the other woman.

Lets trample on the snake - crush his head, and live in the victory, love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, with no "other woman" dictating our thought life and no other agenda except to love ourselves and others.

Psl 139:13-18 (Amp)

For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well.
My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery].
Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.
How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with You.