Spread the Fragrance

The words entered my spirit as I was listening to an inspirational teaching of Dr. Dick Eastman, the Director of Every Home for Christ at an annual intercessory conference.  I was quite taken aback by the truth.  Never before did I consider myself as a source of revival.  To be honest, I felt nauseas from being pregnant and could barely keep my eyes open.  My days consisted of managing a business, trying out new recipes and ironing my husband’s shirts. I wasn’t in full-time ministry and I didn’t have a lot of time to spend in the presence of God.  Yet, the words were unmistakably clear – there is revival in my heart.

At first, it didn’t really make sense to me. I just came out of season of obscurity, where everything seemed vague, undefined and grey. It felt as if I was digging deep holes in expectation for wells to gush forth, with no water in sight.  My mind was filled with negative thoughts of self-pity and frustration, always taking stock of past experiences, not being able to move forward. I was stuck in a world of sameness. Day in and day out was a fight to survive, let alone revive!

So, when God told me I had revival in my heart, I was tempted to be like Moses and say: Who me?  I couldn’t really see myself as a Billy Graham, evangelizing to the world and getting continents saved. My soul loved being troubled, always grabbing to “what if’s and “it can’t be’s.” The calling to revive seemed more fitting for someone with a dynamic personality or an optimistic approach to life.

And then it dawned on me – the Greek meaning for the word revive means to thrive or flourish. In English it means to restore to vigour or vitality and in Hebrew it means to restore to life. It is to breathe life into things that are seemingly dead. Not only does it refer to a religious awakening where people get born again, but revival also means that God will help your soul to flourish and thrive again. He will restore it back to life.

And that thought challenged me.

God was actually saying: Even though you might not feel it in the season you are currently in, God’s plan is for you to experience life and life in abundance. If you believe God’s will for you is to have life, you will have faith for it, speak it and live it.  Allow the resurrection power of Jesus Christ re-define your world-views and assumptions. Allow Him to breathe life into areas that are seemingly dead. Engage with Him, dream His dreams for your life, and meditate on growth and progress rather than stagnation.  Be inspired by His vision of a future full of hope rather than discouragement. Think thoughts of blessing and prosperity, rather than negativity and trouble. Allow God to bring your soul to a place where it flourishes. Lift up your head and inspire those around you with faith – a faith that sees what God sees.  Break through the walls of the now, and take hold of His power, pushing forward with courage instead of drawing back. 

I sat in church, immediately thinking of all the things that needed to be revived. Like David, my soul was first on the list.  It needed to be revived. I succumbed to a horrible cycle of complaining, always expecting the worse.  My mind got stuck  – and I couldn’t break free from the negative encounters I’ve experienced.  Secondly, my health seemed to be a challenge the past few years, and after a while I just got tired of praying and trusting God for healing.  And then, oh my finances. My bank account could always do with some improvement. And I grew tired of speaking words of life, trusting God for increase. All these things needed a good dose of Word-breathed CPR, but I lost faith that somehow my efforts were making a difference. And to be honest, it is hard work!

But I have Jesus Christ’s revival power in my heart!

And so do you!

Christ within us is the hope of glory!

Somewhere a shift needs to take place in my heart and soul that God’s dream for my life is to have life in abundance! My heart needs to connect with the truth that all is not lost, that revival is on the agenda!

All around us there are opportunities for revival – whether it is to pray for our children and speak blessing over them, or to take the Bible and warfare for the manifestation of God’s promises in our life. All is not lost – maybe dormant, but not lost.

God is busy with His revival work in our lives, if we allow Him to take control and reveal His glory to us!

May we cry out as women of God – revive me Oh Lord! Show Your power in my life and bring my soul  out of trouble!

Psalm 143:11
Revive me, O Lord, for Your name’s sake!
For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble.

Psalm 119:25
My soul cleaves to the dust, Revive me according to Thy word

Psalm 119:50
This is my comfort in my affliction, That Thy word has revived me

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